The reasons why most of us choose to not work for ourselves are the simplicity and ease with which we can find a job and then, over the years, keep it. Putting aside how difficult and demanding a job can be, or how complicated it can sometimes be, it still seems easier to find and keep a job than it is to start your own business.
Online business school "12 Steps To A Profitable Online Business"

Because when you’re looking for a full-time job, whether it’s a subordinate or managerial position, you know exactly what you need to do to get it. You know that you need a good resumé, that you need to prepare for an interview. You can read plenty of guides on how to perform well at such an interview, how to present yourself well, how to answer questions, and when to ask your own.
When you get the job, and sooner or later you will definitely get the job you are looking for, at work they tell you exactly what to do. Even if it’s a very creative position you’re given a clear framework. There are hours of work, sometimes overtime, there is a labor code, days off, and vacation and sick leave.
And a salary.
You get a set amount of money in your account every month. You may complain about this life being boring; you may hate Mondays. You may dream of more money and tell your friends what a fantastic business you would launch.
And yet you’re stuck in this job, aren’t you? You talk a lot, you may often dream of a more independent and fulfilling life, but nothing changes. You might stay stuck in this rut for many years.
When the time is right.
Which is probably never, right?
In order to start and grow a business you simply must… start. Accept the risk, prepare diligently, have a plan and execute that plan.
But what exactly should you do? Where can you find inspiration and a good plan? How do you know how to launch this business?
I went through such a process, too. I didn’t know the answers to many questions either, and had to discover paths to a profitable business – mostly by trial and error.
And I decided to develop a plan for anyone who wants to duplicate this process of creating their own independent online business.
An online business can also be your path to financial independence.
Automated, in whole or in significant part, a business based on online technologies can also be an investment that yields an incomparably higher rate of return than the vast majority of financial investment instruments.
Here is a simple example. If you invest £100,000 you will get a rate of return of no more than six percent per year. Taking into account inflation, taxes, various fees and commissions, £6,000 is probably the maximum profit you can count on.
That £6,000 divided into 12 months gives £500 per month. If you start an after-hours business focused on creating and selling online courses (although it could be a completely different online business), you will reach this financial result after a few months. If you have a small amount of money to start, in the order of £2,000–£3,000, to create an online system and promote it, you can achieve such a result even in a few weeks.
With steady, systematic and creative work, the income from your online business can reach six- or seven-figure levels. And if you plan to share the work and hire a team to run and develop the business, the scale of income will increase accordingly.
Starting an online business will also give you a lot of freedom to choose where you live. You can work on your projects while traveling the world or temporarily relocating according to the season, climate or your current tastes.
You will also be much more resistant to crises and turmoil in the financial markets, as online education has become one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. Its value is estimated in hundreds of billions of dollars.
If you are looking for effective procedures to develop your own business, take part in the six-month program “12 Steps To A Profitable Online Business”, which consists of individual mentoring sessions. During these we will work on your business and individual coaching sessions, improving your productivity and ability to achieve your goals.
Together we will grow your business by doing the following:
- We will select your customers and develop a strategy to understand and persuade them.
- We will apply the best model for your business.
- We will build the right perception of your business so customers like and trust you.
- We will develop keywords and phrases that will build your recognition in the online world.
- We will help you create your product.
- We will set the right price so that your products sell.
- We will develop and implement a sales strategy.
- We will do some experiments to accelerate the development of your business.
- We will introduce procedures to improve the quality of your business and build the right reputation.
- We will help you choose the right team to work with, build effective relationships and manage the team.
- We will develop and implement a sustainable growth strategy to double and triple your revenue on a regular basis.
The Manka Academy was founded by Andrzej Manka in May 2021 in London, UK.
Andrzej is an entrepreneur and sales professional.
He is passionate about the future of entrepreneurship and motivated by the ability that artificial intelligence and cognitive automation has the power to help people realise their full potential.
Over the past 10 years, he has had the opportunity to work with and negotiate deals for many leading global companies, including Clifford Chance, DLA Piper, Bank of America, the Law Society, Institute for Robotic Process Automation in New York, global asset managers and for some of London’s hottest start-ups.
He is an author of blogs and articles on personal finance, business, new tech and sales management. He also designs online courses, online workshops and assists in the management of London-based public speaking clubs.
He attended Jagiellonian University in Krakow to study Cinema, TV and Mass Media, along with other topics such as propaganda and the art of persuasion.
He lives in North London.
He is a keen runner and a lover of jazz and science fiction.