How to earn more and how to have more money

Business tools
Do You Make Enough?

Money is necessary. It gives us satisfaction when it meets our needs.

But, it’s not always wise to spend, even though it’s a challenge not to, especially in our world, where instant gratification seems the norm.

Momentary emotions do not go hand in hand with rational decision-making. There’s temptation after temptation, so how do you earn and secure more money?

Andrzej Mańka


How To Earn More And How To Have More Money will help you take control of your finances – equipping you with tips to handle your funds and illustrating many ways to generate more wealth! The manual refers to experiences and results from the author’s journey from ignorance to awareness and financial intelligence, produced to prevent you from making mistakes and avoiding the troubles associated with reckless money management!

I believe everybody has the right to financial independence and everyone can achieve it!

Become independent – learn how money works and be a conscious user of it!

The online manual explains what lies at the base of the pyramid of personal financial management…

You will learn: financial discipline; budget management skills; techniques to make you more financially aware; ways to save and generate extra income; what debt control is; what giving and investing mean in finance.

The guide will answer bothersome questions:

  • Why am I not earning enough?
  • Am I a monetary failure?
  • How can I increase earnings and harness greater profit by developing my self-confidence and financial literacy?
  • Should I look at my money from a broader perspective?


This manual is for you… If you:

  • Wish to increase your income.
  • Have debts.
  • Are unhappy and wish to improve your finances.
  • Decide to make an important financial decision relating to buying a house or an expensive car, investing or planning family funds.
  • Want to save capital and are resourcing effective methods to do so.
  • Are interested in the way money functions.


The manual will comprehensively, quickly and clearly answer questions about personal finance.

14 concepts you will learn:

  1. Tips for making more money.
  2. Principles of successful saving.
  3. The rule of deferred gratification and its influence when saving.
  4. Important personal investment strategy.
  5. How your beliefs affect your performance and gains.
  6. Why you’re not achieving more – how to change your situation..
  7. Ways to deal with and eradicate debt.
  8. New budget technology and tools.
  9. Budget management – organising, analysing and changing it, interpreting the results.
  10. Net worth calculation.
  11. What taxes are, what they include, seven effective steps to pay fewer taxes and why they are so important in our worldwide economy.
  12. Ongoing monetary education and self-discipline.
  13. The time value of money, purchasing power and inflation, incorporating their importance when solving financial tasks.
  14. Ideas on how to generate profits.

BONUS when you register for the manual…

You will gain access to ready-made templates, making it easy for you to manage your personal finances and debts!



I am the Founder of The Manka Academy.

I am passionate about the future of entrepreneurship and motivated by the power of artificial intelligence and cognitive automation to help people realise their full potential.

Over the last ten years, I have worked with and negotiated deals for many leading global companies, including Clifford Chance, DLA Piper, the Bank of America, the Law Society, the Institute for Robotic Process Automation in New York, global asset managers, and some of London’s hottest start-ups.

I’m the author of blogs and articles on personal finance, business, new tech, and sales management. I design online courses and workshops, and assist in the management of London-based public speaking clubs.

I attended Jagiellonian University in Krakow to study cinema, TV & mass media, along with other topics such as the art of persuasion.

Living in North London, I’m a keen runner and a lover of jazz and science fiction!

But foremost…

I have dedicated myself to growing a business that can help others achieve their own financial goals through training, coaching and education.


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Andrzej Mańka

Nazywam się Andrzej Mańka. Biznesem zajmuje się od czasu studiów w UJ, kiedy to założyłem swoją pierwszą agencję reklamową InfoArte. Potem, po przeprowadzce do Warszawy przez wiele lat prowadziłem firmę marketingową 5 O’CLOCK.

Finansami osobistymi i przedsiębiorczością zajmuję się od 2005 roku, od czasu, kiedy prowadziłem marketing, PR i sprzedaż dla wiodących firm zajmujących się edukacja finansową, takich jak Instytut Praktycznej Edukacji, wydawcy książek Roberta Kiyasakiego oraz e-ProfitSystem, która regularnie prowadziła elitarne seminaria dla inwestorów w nieruchomości w Warszawie i Londynie.

Napisałem też książkę pt. “Bogaty Polak, biedny Polak. Jakk o pieniądzach myślą bogaci i dlaczego biedni robią błąd, myśląc inaczej.”

Byłem tez  producentem i autorem programów w TVN i regionalnych ośrodkakch TVP.

Od 2012 roku mieszkam w Londynie, gdzie zarządzam firmą The Manka Academy, specjalizującą się w e-learningu.